HHQ's Blog and News

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How you can better your health during Women’s Health Week

Women’s Health Week is well underway in Australia, with face-to-face and online events running nationwide to empower women to focus on their health and well-being. Now in its tenth year, this initiative encourages women to make some extra time for their health and consider how they adapt their current lifestyle to better support their physical, emotional and social needs. 

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Your ultimate guide to a healthy social life as an agency nurse

It’s no secret that nursing is a more intense career than most. With long shifts that often involve working while everyone else sleeps, it can often feel like you’re missing out on having a vibrant and fulfilling social life. Whether you’re juggling practical placement with nursing school or picking up extra shifts due to shortages in your workplace, it’s understandable that many nurses feel their social life is lacking.

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How you can participate in Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, a nation-wide initiative to raise awareness of risks and treatment options available to men in Australia. Although there were an estimated 18 110 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in 2021, making up 23% of all male cancer cases diagnosed last year, the disease is often not discussed as much as other cancers. 

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Working as an agency nurse while you study? It’s a no-brainer.

Studying to be a nurse can be both an exciting and challenging time. You’re gaining knowledge and practical experience while juggling a range of different commitments and trying to stay ahead of the curve so you can snatch up the best possible job come graduation. It’s a lot to manage, and it’s no wonder many ENs (enrolled nurses) and AINs (assistants in nursing) feel a lot of pressure maintaining this balancing act. 

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Tips for your first day at a new facility as an agency nurse

An agency nurse at Healthcare HQ is required to work at multiple facilities in the Sydney metro region to best support our clients and their patients. And whether you’re an AIN about to walk into your very first nursing shift, or an RN with years of agency nursing experience, your first day at a new facility is always a little daunting.

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Diagnosis: Burnout

Written by: Melanie Wong Burnout. It’s not an unusual phrase thrown around the workplace so it can seem commonplace, but burnout isn’t something to be

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